[Many thanks to Peter Jordens for bringing this item to our attention.] Sarah Matthews (
The Lawrentian, at Lawrence University) writes about undergraduate student Meralis Álvarez-Morales and her mini art exhibition “Sacred Art of the Sea.”
At the beginning of fall term this academic year, junior Meralis Álvarez-Morales started research on her mini art exhibition, Sacred Art of the Sea, with no information on the artists and their work in relation to the Caribbean and Latin American art world. Now, after countless hours spent reading research articles, books, reddit threads, blogs and discussing with outside scholars and curators, Álvarez-Morales’ mini art exhibition showcases Haitian artists Seymour Étienne-Bottex, Florence Martinez and Jacques Enguerrand-Gourges, as well as an American artist, Karl Priebe. In terms of the art from these artists, Álvarez-Morales says, “The artworks by Haitian artists feature a variety of themes that focus on Haitian spirituality a