The firm s contract to house IPAs with the Dept of Integration at Magowna House resulted in a stand-off between the local community and Government following the arrival of 34 IPAs on Monday, May 15th.
The firm's contract to house IPAs with the Dept of Integration at Magowna House resulted in a stand-off between the local community and Government following the…
The firm's contract to house IPAs with the Dept of Integration at Magowna House resulted in a stand-off between the local community and Government following the…
The firm housing International Protection Applicants at Magowna House in Inch in received €4.83m from the State last year for accommodating Ukrainians. Figures from the Department of Integration show that Cork firm, CRM Properties Ltd received the €4.83m last year with the firm receiving the largest proportion of fees at €2.54m in the final quarter of 2022 under […]