Local libraries participate in national reading challenge
MACON, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) The Middle Georgia Regional Libraries are participating in the Winter Reading Challenge.
This is the first year that Simon and Shuster’s
Books Like US will sponsor the challenge.
Three Bibb County libraries will participate: Washington Memorial, Shurling, and Bloomfield Libraries.
The Washington Memorial Library has set a goal to read at least 10 hours in January. Marketing Coordinator Sylvia O’bear says the library will participate because it likes what Books Like Us stands for.
“We’re getting people to see characters that look like them, that tell their stories that relate to them, that they can see themselves,” O’bear said.
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MACON, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) Today marks the first day of winter and the first time since 1623 that there will be a Winter Solstice.
A Winter Solstice occurs when Saturn and Jupiter can be seen through a telescope.
The Middle Georgia Regional Library partnered with astronomer and planetarium design consultant Philip Groce to put on the event.
Samantha Wilcox head of reference for the Middle Georgia Library said, ” I think it gives people an opportunity to get outside. And we’re all tired of being around each other and constantly at home. It’s an opportunity for us to do something that’s science-related and interesting to look at, and it’s just a good time.”