Brokerages forecast that Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. (NASDAQ:ALGM – Get Rating) will report $195.15 million in sales for the current quarter, Zacks Investment Research reports. Two analysts have issued estimates for Allegro MicroSystems’ earnings. The lowest sales estimate is $195.00 million and the highest is $195.30 million. Allegro MicroSystems posted sales of $143.02 million in the […]
Zacks Investment Research lowered shares of Allegro MicroSystems (NASDAQ:ALGM – Get Rating) from a buy rating to a hold rating in a research note released on Tuesday, reports. According to Zacks, “Allegro MicroSystems Inc. is a designer, developer, fabless manufacturer and marketer of sensor integrated circuits and application-specific analog power ICs enabling emerging technologies […]
Canadian Solar (NASDAQ:CSIQ – Get Rating) and Allegro MicroSystems (NASDAQ:ALGM – Get Rating) are both mid-cap oils/energy companies, but which is the superior business? We will compare the two companies based on the strength of their earnings, valuation, analyst recommendations, risk, dividends, profitability and institutional ownership. Valuation and Earnings This table compares Canadian Solar and […]
Spectra7 Microsystems Inc. (OTCMKTS:SPVNF – Get Rating) shares shot up 0.5% during trading on Thursday . The stock traded as high as $1.26 and last traded at $1.24. 15,350 shares changed hands during mid-day trading, a decline of 49% from the average session volume of 29,960 shares. The stock had previously closed at $1.23. The […]