Windows 10: Getting a printing error? Here s how to fix it
Microsoft released a workaround for an error that doesn t allow you to print from certain apps. Here s how to do it. Listen - 02:49 Getty/Tascha Rassadornyindee/EyeEm
Some Windows 10 users have been experiencing a pesky error when trying to print items from certain apps. Microsoft has now released a workaround as it works on a resolution, which should be ready in the next week, the company wrote on a support page.
After installing the latest update, KB5000802, you might see an APC INDEX MISMATCH error with a blue screen when you try to print to certain printers from certain apps. The problem affects a subset of Type 3 printer drivers. To find out if your printer is impacted, follow these steps, according to Microsoft. You can also check out CNET s collection of tips for troubleshooting common Windows 10 problems.
Easily install Windows 10 on your new PC.
Reinstall Windows 10 OS on your laptop in simple steps.
There are several ways to upgrade your older Windows 7 or Windows 8 OS to Windows 10. Whether you are doing it for the first time on a new computer, upgrading your old computer or just want to do a new clean installation on your system.
How to upgrade to Windows 10 OS from a Windows 7 or Windows 8 PC
1. To upgrade your system from Windows 7 or Windows 8 devices, you can simply use Microsoft’s upgrade tool.
2. If you’re upgrading to Windows 10 on your PC which already has a valid license you can simply use the Download Windows 10 tool. Just Click “Download Tool Now”, and run it.
Microsoft has confirmed its latest update, Windows 10 version 21H1. Here s what we re expecting, and why it could set the stage for a major Windows 10 shift soon.
Windows 7 to 10 upgrade: Everything you need to know before you update
Microsoft support for Windows 7 is officially over. For security, software updates and other reasons, it s time to stop procrastinating and make the move to Windows 10. Listen - 04:15
It s been more than a year since Microsoft support for Windows 7 officially ended back in January 2020. The end shouldn t have come as a surprise to Windows users: Microsoft promised 10 years of product support for Windows 7 when it was released in October 2009, before shifting focus to supporting newer technologies.
That means Microsoft no longer offers technical assistance or software updates to your device, and the company has encouraged people to upgrade to Windows 10 to keep their PCs and laptops secure. (If you re a Windows 8.1 user, extended support for that OS won t end until January 2023.) But don t worry you can still use this trick to download Windows 10 for free if you wa
Just a couple of days after Patch Tuesday, Microsoft today released Windows 10 build 18363.1379, an out-of-band update for 1909 that addresses blue screen issues when connecting to Wi-Fi via WPA3.