In this article, Molecular Devices discusses how the FLIPR Penta System, which is equipped with a new high-speed camera, allows for improved resolution of calcium oscillation patterns in cardiomyocytes.
Whether STS plays a protective role in AS by regulating endothelial cell mitochondrial function and pyroptosis through an AMPK-dependent mitochondrial pathway.
How AI is advancing neurodegenerative disease research
Editorial Article: How AI is advancing neurodegenerative disease research
In this guest editorial, explore how artificial intelligence is becoming a powerful tool for drug discovery
05 May 2021
As part of the SelectScience Advances in Drug Discovery Special Feature, guest editors Dr. Matthias Fassler, Genedata, and Daniel O’Connor, Molecular Devices, take a look at how the combination of automated imaging and deep learning is addressing research challenges and highlight how this approach helps accelerate drug development.
The prevalence of neurological disorders is on the rise, with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s cases estimated in the millions. To combat this trend, many researchers are turning to artificial intelligence (AI)