The prep cross country season is entering its last leg as the MHSAA state finals are scheduled to take place Saturday from Michigan International Speedway in Brooklyn on Saturday.
After a tremendous season in the pole vault, Montabella junior Cooper Bolton found himself down to the final three competitors at Saturday’s Division 4 track state finals in Hudsonville. As the temperature rose as the afternoon track events neared, so too did the pressure. With only three competitors reaching 13 feet in the pole vault, the bar was raised to 13 feet, 3 inches.
Mickiah Allbee is generally a hilarious person, full of personality. Her range of humor goes from lame puns to dark jokes that would make just about anyone blush. But that’s just the life of a teenager.
Stuart Gould is going to get his wish in one of his final track events at Tri County. The Vikings’ standout senior sprinter wanted to bring teammates with him to the MHSAA state track finals before the season began. He had big dreams to bring more than one person wearing Tri County running gear to Forest Hills Eastern’s Hawk Stadium for the Division 2 finals.
Carson City-Crystal's boys track team won its first hosted track meet in four years with a Mid-State Activities Conference jamboree win on Wednesday at Community Field. The track teams from Montabella and Vestaburg showed some highlights in Wednesday's meet with some personal records set and some big wins along the way.