The night Led Zeppelin played Schenectady’s Aerodrome, the city’s late ’60s psychedelic rock and roll circus | The Daily Gazette
The night Led Zeppelin played Schenectady’s Aerodrome, the city’s late ’60s psychedelic rock and roll circus
January 30, 2021
Kevin Bartlett, shown working on a film score at his Aural Gratification Studios in Franklin, N.Y., was 14 when he started presenting liquid light shows at the Aerodrome. He later ran both the sound and lights.
Inset: An advertisement for the Aerodrome and a photo of Led Zeppelin that appeared in the Schenectady Gazette four days before the band s appearance on Aug. 20, 1969. The venue closed in 1970. (Photos courtesy Kevin Bartlett and Al Quaglieri)