Live on cspan. We are glad to have you here. I know by now we have been in this generation long enough i dont need to tell you to turn off your so phones or turn off the sound, but do if you dont mind turn off your cell phones. I want to welcome you all here, but i want to call special attention to we had two groups of students here at the Aspen Institute. We have a very Exciting Program on youth engagement, and we have. Tudents here when we get to the q a, you are as welcome as anybody else to ask questions, and i hope you will. Let me start with a little story here to just get me started. In this environment we live in, which is so constantly contentious and uncivil. So, i run a program here that we started at the institute 12 years ago. Its called the rodale fellowship for public leadership. What we do is we go out every find the 24 top Young Political leaders in the country. Some are mayors, some are Lieutenant Governors, treasurers , speakers of the house, whatever, and we started
Even more ambitious for the future. For our future. Long live the republic, long live france. With more on this story, joining us from palm springs, california is sammy roth, Energy Reporter for the da desert sun and usa today network. What does this mean for the west and for the paris climate records . I think there are two ways to look at it. The first way in the main reaction is that this is seen as a big slap in the face by the United States by President Trump to most of the other countries of the world who were lobbying strongly for us to stay in the agreement. Trump has been pushed to the leaders of the g7 nations, china, india and major corporations and United States including oil companies, all of whom think its important to reduce emissions for Climate Change, and two, that the United States is part of that conversation. Symbolically it is significant. In terms of what it will do to the Paris Agreement, the major countries like china and india and the eu have all indicated str
Comments and tweets. Watch cspans washington journal live at 7 00 a. M. Eastern friday morning. Join the discussion. Oklahoma former congressman now with the Aspen Institute discuss how founding father James Madison might view the Current Congress. The presidency, the court, and the media. From the National Constitution center in philadelphia, this is about one hour and 45 minutes. Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to freedom day. A round of applause for the next phase of this incredible discussion. We have judiciary, and now its time to discuss congress set of my article one of the constitution. Joining us are two of americas congress,holars on nicky edwards. He is a former congressman from oklahoma, and he is author of the parties versus the people how to turn republicans and democrats into americans. , coauthor of a book that will set up the tone of our discussion. The other ones were too optimistic. The broken branch how congress is feeling america and how to get it back on track.
Comments and tweets. Watch cspans washington journal live at 7 00 a. M. Eastern friday morning. Join the discussion. Oklahoma former congressman now with the Aspen Institute discuss how founding father James Madison might view the Current Congress. The presidency, the court, and the media. From the National Constitution center in philadelphia, this is about one hour and 45 minutes. Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to freedom day. A round of applause for the next phase of this incredible discussion. We have judiciary, and now its time to discuss congress set of my article one of the constitution. Joining us are two of americas congress,holars on nicky edwards. He is a former congressman from oklahoma, and he is author of the parties versus the people how to turn republicans and democrats into americans. , coauthor of a book that will set up the tone of our discussion. The other ones were too optimistic. The broken branch how congress is feeling america and how to get it back on track.
At the outset i want to thank senator ron johnson and his staff for sponsoring the room for todays event. As you have may have noticed from your program and our panel up here were playing shorthanded this afternoon. Professor coup from Hofstra School of law [laughter] not sure what that was. Professor koo had a last minute conflict which precluded him from flying down this morning. Even without his valuable presence i think you will agree we have a great panel. And the topic of executive and legislative war powers seems particularly appropriate given we just celebrated our nations independence day. After more than 200 years, our government has develop ad track record regarding starting wars and use of military force which can be measured against the founders views and the constitution. It is good to ask, how has the framers understanding been followed, and in what ways has it been ignored . Do the founding principles regarding these topics still have application to our modern era . To