Is in the committees but all tht are those committees, because if them. I think that members of tn who is leading the committees ag and the participation. I say ths participating somewhat in the aa committee. And some of these th, they get dormant depending upone work. So again, its a structurs going to be improvement within. If i may, i can have more inh the guidelines and also the posd the members of the committees s. Theres an email that came out. I appreciate that. And for mm the commission in this setting s of the officers and command forn terms of other levels of offices really no occasion, unless the r theres an occasion of interactp it gets to be greater. I call is and the chief as you visit evert tradition is something that we , because theres just no better s members, have dinner, have some, theres been a lot of changes ie members i had interaction are nf the new members have come in, un know who they are and i bet youm either, right . So what im sayit for me to have that kin
Public comment on every item on the agenda, as well as an opportunity for general public, for items that are not on the agenda. Also an opportunity for general public, that is during item five. We ask that you fill out a speaker card and handed to me and ill hand them to you also have a right to speak anonymously. After we call all the speaker card, i will call up folks if they want to speak anonymously. I one, call to order and. [roll call] there is a quorum. Item 2, president s welcome and items for discussion. Good evening everyone, and thank you for being here tonight on this very warm evening. We at least two appear to have some air conditioning. We have a very full agenda, and we will looking at an issue that is key to our environmental success. Electrification. We will consider two resolutions from the policy committee. How the city is going to electrify its buildings and Transportation Systems . As we consider electrification initiatives, efficiency must always be the Guiding F
Device. A note to the public, there is a Public Comment on every item on the agenda, as well as an opportunity for general public, for items that are not on the agenda. Also an opportunity for general public, that is during item five. We ask that you fill out a speaker card and handed to me and ill hand them to you also have a right to speak anonymously. After we call all the speaker card, i will call up folks if they want to speak anonymously. I one, call to order and. [roll call] there is a quorum. Item 2, president s welcome and items for discussion. Good evening everyone, and thank you for being here tonight on this very warm evening. We at least two appear to have some air conditioning. We have a very full agenda, and we will looking at an issue that is key to our environmental success. Electrification. We will consider two resolutions from the policy committee. How the city is going to electrify its buildings and Transportation Systems . As we consider electrification initiatives
A note and the ringing and use of cell phone and Electronic Devices are prohibited at this meeting. Plea please be advised that any person may be removed for the ringing of any electronic device. A note to the public, there is a Public Comment on every item on the agenda, as well as an opportunity for general public, for items that are not on the agenda. Also an opportunity for general public, that is during item five. We ask that you fill out a speaker card and handed to me and ill hand them to you also have a right to speak anonymously. After we call all the speaker card, i will call up folks if they want to speak anonymously. I one, call to order and. [roll call] there is a quorum. Item 2, president s welcome and items for discussion. Good evening everyone, and thank you for being here tonight on this very warm evening. We at least two appear to have some air conditioning. We have a very full agenda, and we will looking at an issue that is key to our environmental success. Electrifi
Foray voiding irreversible warming globally. Weve been asked by you to act like our house is on fire. When you sit in your apartment and people have been yelling fire for a while, and you are smelling smoke, it doesnt make sense to say oh, weve wet down 25 of our wall space and were in better shape than our neighbor who is asleep. It wont do. You need to grab a bucket. We need ordinances for prohibition on all new construction. We badly need requirements that new construction at least be electric ready. Supervisor yee thank you. Next speaker. Hello, my name is connie cox and im here from my company youth. I was here a couple months ago. I am an inventor and i couldnt bring my board in because it was bigger than the display board than what you allow in here so im going to see if i could get it up stairs. My whole premise of my business was to help raise funds kind of like our state lottery does. I cant do this without permission. I cant do this without a team. My games on bags really ar