retire. attrition is kinder. that s why you do it? we have union contracts am. how can you run a business that way? part of being a government tal agency. that s how the cookie crumbles. they ton to drive while postal service leaves billions. they make billions because they innovate and cut costs. postal officials like mickey barnett try to do that. try to close money like these. why wouldn t they close before? they can kill any close post offices no way. politicians aren t dumb. what are they thinking? oo they are thinking about reelection. they can t be so
but there s another post office a mile down the road. in fact, there are five others within a few miles. why do they need so many so close to each other? even the locals see the excess. it s silly. closing post offices. we re working on it. what do you mean you re working on it? a business just does it. we re operated to operate like a business but congress does not allow us to operate like a business. mickey barnett is the chairman of the post office board. on your website you say since ben franklin the post service has grown and changed with america. but you don t change. you re a government monopoly. you barely change. 250,000 fewer employees than we had. but you don t fire anybody. no. if government did fire people the big government media would say things like this. they are hell-bent on seeing the u.s. postal service die. the manager just wait for workers to quit or retire.
attrition is kinder, that s why you do it? well, we have union contracts that also have no layoff provisions in it and so forth. how do you run a business that way? part of being a quasi-governmental entity. that s how the cookie crumbles. fedex continues to thrive while the postal service bleeds billions. fedex, ups, and others make billions because they innovate and cut costs. ups. postal officials like mickey barnett tried to do that, tried to close money losers like these. why weren t they closed long ago? political pressure. congress can kill any major chain. cloth close post offices? no way. save billions by adjusting benefit payment? not a chance. these politicians aren t dumb. what are they thinking? they re thinking about re-election. they can t be so short sighted, can they? they re supposed to be
you re always adding burden. who is we? washington, where they often don t want our camera around. we can t just take a picture of the beautiful atrium? no. but there s so much money here, life is good. once people come to d.c. they never leave. and now, from the fox news headquarters in new york, john stossel. we start with myth number 7 because americans are so fat, it s government s job to help us eat better. changing old habits is never easy. no, it s not. so the first lady says to change behavior. it s going to take government doing its part. if michelle obama wants to inspire us by exercising on the white house lawn, that s great. but government doing its part usually means force. this is nothing to do with banning the ability to buy as much as many sugary drinks as you want. in my hometown the mayor is upset about big cups of soda. he wants cups this size illegal. this is the single biggest step any city has taken to curb obesity. plea
0 right, i m trying to ban the stuff that is not good for the consumer. you re a bully. no, i ve been called worse. what business is it of yours what i put in my own body? isn t that part of freedom? you can have the freedom wbu when it comes down to the health care costs then we need to tackle them. if we re not into healthy lifestyle, government will be blamed for not doing the right thing. so because government is responsible, because we have a socialize health care system, you get to take away my freedom? i think what i m trying to do is help you to have a better life. you re like a cancer. you re spreading a bad thing that costs a lot of money and doesn t do any good. and i am a good cancer providing good, healthy advice for the best public health of our country. a good cancer, that brings us so myth number 6. obamacare is good for business. dams say it is. the fact is it s very food for small business. it s incredibly good for small business. they are why