congress returns thursday but there s increasing skepticism that they will make some headway on this issue. everyone in washington believes the likelier scenario is the shutdown continues well into the new year and the new congress. we will see, thanks, merry christmas. overnight defense attorney jim mattis signing the order to pull all troops out of syria. todd: this is humanity is being pushed out earlier than expected. todd pyro joins us with the latest on mad dog mattis. reporter: that order outlining the, quote, slow and highly coordinated process of withdrawing 2000 us troops from syria over the coming weeks, it comes hours after the president announced mattis will be out of the white house by the new year. mattis originally planned to stay through february, he resigned after the president announced plans to withdraw those 2000 troops from syria. incoming acting chief of staff mick mullaney defending the
rob: brian his life at the white house with and mick mullaney and so much more. it was four months ago house majority whip steve scalise nearly lost his life at a shooting a congressional baseball practice. he will join us live this morning. there he is, very emotional, a busy three hours. 14 minutes from now on the channel you trust for morning news. jillian: amazing as always. so incredible. passengers horrified as their plane nosedived 24,000 feet in nine minutes.