The beast - dubbed the Palace Puma - was sighted in some woodland by journalist Helen Barrett, 41, who was out for a walk with her family. They were so terrified that they fled from the “wild animal” - described as black and 5ft in length - after it approached them on a pathway between Church Road and Auckland Hill at 3.45pm. Mrs Barrett said: “It was quite alarming. At first we couldn’t believe what we were seeing. It was black, the size of a labrador, but walking like a cat. It had to be feline.” She thought it must be a puma or panther.
beeping in here, i can barely hear you. i was asking about the volume of injuries. we re hearing reports of a lot of people being injured. we re trying to figure out the number. so have you heard anything about the number of people being injured? i cannot hear any questions coming through. i don t know if we lost each other. do you want to state that again? can you hear me or no? we will try to reestablish this connection, if we can, and check back in with jackie montgomery, spokesperson, university of colorado hospitals. what she did tell us in the conversation we were able to have, she received about 20 patients, and they range from minor injuries to critical injuries. i asked her if anybody had been dead on arrival because we do understand that some people have died, though we don t have a number on that. she s uncertain and there are some hipa laws so she has to protect peoples privacy. i believe we have jackie. you are back there again? i m really sorry. i can t