The discovery gives insight into how scientific observation, as well as life on Michigan State University s campus, has changed over the last 140-plus years.
Honda North America, Inc.
Dennis Kennedy, founder and chairman of the National Diversity Council, praised these companies for their willingness to benchmark their diversity and inclusion efforts following a challenging year. “As businesses recover from the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and racial unrest, it is imperative they renew their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion to achieve long-term resilience in the marketplace,” Kennedy said. “In 2021, participation in the NDC Index more than doubled and we are thrilled to announce the first company achieving recognition under our Best U.S. Companies for Diversity list.”
To be on the Best U.S. Companies for Diversity list, companies must score from 90 to 100 points in the NDC Index. Blue Shield of California is the first and only company that made the list in 2021 with a score of 92. The company, located in Oakland, is dedicated to fulfilling its mission of ensuring high-quality and affordable health c
CONTENT: Press Release
HOUSTON, April 21, 2021 /3BL Media/ - DiversityFirstTM will be hosting the 17th Annual National Diversity and Leadership Conference on April 21-22 and April 28-29, 2021. The conference will be held virtually with this year’s theme being “Be a Changemaker”. The four-day conference will honor a number of diverse talent from different industries.
The DEI Champions Award honors professionals who are passionate about creating an impact in the field of diversity and inclusion. Diversity champions continue to put DiversityFIRST™ through visionary leadership and commitment to fostering change for ages to come. The award commends exemplary professionals who transform our diverse communities into inclusive environments, where individuals are valued for their talent and have the opportunity to reach their full potential.