OXFORD • To friends and family, University of Mississippi professor emeritus Colby H. Kullman, who died Aug. 9, was a one-of-a-kind human being who touched the lives of thousands of
Mike Puican has had his poetry published in Poetry, New England Review, qarrtsiluni, and Michigan Quarterly Review, among others. He won the 2004 Tia Chucha Press Chapbook Contest for his chapbook, 30 Seconds. Mike was a member of the 1996 Chicago Slam Team and is currently the board president of the Guild Literary Complex.
Dorsey Craft is the author of PLUNDER (Bauhan 2020), winner of the May Sarton Poetry Prize. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Cincinnati Review, Copper Nickel, Gulf Coast, Michigan Quarterly Review, Poetry Northwest, Southern Indiana Review, Willow Springs, and elsewhere.
There are so many American myths: the Mayflower Story, George Washington never telling a lie, and then there is Francis Scott Key penning the lyrics to what became our national anthem. How much is of the "Star-Spangled Banner" story is true? Join Deb Polich on this edition of "creative impact." She welcomes back musicologist Mark Clague, whose new book, "O Say Can You Hear?" breaks down the music from the myth.
A visual artist creates images to help us see the world. A poet uses words to do the same. Both have the power to link us to our hearts and souls. Keith Taylor is an award-winning poet who has published thousands of lines of poetry. Join Deb Polich on this edition of "creative impact" to meet Keith and hear how and why he turns words into expression.