baseline. and it is importan to know that people have a job to do, but lawrence, you are totally right that there is difference between what you se mr. tacopina or mr. trusty doing and essentially spinning out things that are clearl false, so why even bother? i mean, you can go ahead and mislead the public, when you know that is what you are doin in dodging questions, that i on the one hand. and on th other, you have who is on of trump s counsel, and yo know, when she was asked about this right after the arraignment, she gave i thought, the best answer. michiga trying to defense it, so you said look he, was angry. tha is about the best you can do and i really feel like when yo are a criminal defense lawye you have to maintain you integrity and you have to know when you are willing to quit because you are not going to cross the line. one of the concerns i have about th newest member is that he left large law firm to now be a sol practitioner, meaning he has one and only one client. he
11 bill gun safety package tha includes policies on saf storage, universal backgroun checks and a red flag measures the momentum to get somethin meaningful done is stronge than ever. especially on the heels of the mass shooting just last mont at michigan state university this week, i went to michiga and i sat down in one of the school s most well-known alumni governor gretchen whitmer. we talked about gun violence the threats on her life, abortion rights and even som presidential politics. we re sitting here with the backdrop of michigan state university, or pushing to ge gun reform legislation through because three students wer killed just a few weeks ag here in michigan do you think there would still have been the will to do tha in the legislature had tha tragedy not happened we have new legislature and i think that s part of why we ve been able to accomplis so much in this first 108. this comes when we ran the tables here i michigan it was not something anyon expected in the m
ughh - kayak. search one and done. the no coverage story tha onsite today type of a current era of new political violenc in america recent incidents include o course the january 6th attac of the united states capitol the plot to kidnap michiga governor gretchen whitmer an the intruder who broke int nancy pelosi s california home
of legislation have longer lag times, loright? you don t immediately see what they have done. you don t needily see that tunnel being built or bridge being fixed and have to wait for it a little bit. i think athat, the more democro talk about that, the more they will get people to believe and understand that. jake sherman, as always, glad to have yous back, twice, in o hour. thank you. sorry about that. not your fault, obviously. michigan attorney general dana chnessel says she was targeted by a heavily armed man last month. federal agents arrested jack eugene carpenter iii accused of tweetingcc threats against anyo that is jewish a in the michiga government, acording to thesh suspect s mother he was in possession three ofe handguns , a shotgun and two hunting rifles. joining me now is ken dilanian. this is incredibly disturbing to say the least. what more are we learning about this. the kind of case we re seeing more of. the fbi got on to this man
i m interested to hear more of what you re learning from your reporting here. reporter: one of the things that has been so bizarre as we are learning more about this is the fact that while there have been very serious concerns about women s rights for quite some time in iran, obviously the source of those protests that we have been following since september, traditionally iran s government, unlike, say, the taliban in afghanistan, has not targeted girls education. in fact, the government there is very proud of the fact that the majority of university students in iran, for example, are women. that s perhaps one of the reasons that iran s leaders initially were downplaying concerns about this, even as these reports started to emerge all the way back in november. now, as this has spread to some 30 schools across iran, a member of parliament saying the number of schoolchildren affected is up to about 800. iran s government this week for the first time seems to be