Alexander Elementary School and Adrian High School are to have asbestos removal this summer. The district is also looking to provide facelifts to several athletic buildings.
Cynthia Heady
Lenawee Community Foundation
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be unsafe, the Lenawee Community Foundation needed to make the difficult decision to cancel its 2021 annual meeting.
Typically, the annual meeting brings together local individuals, organizations and businesses while recognizing award recipients and the work of donors, volunteers and community partners. Although disappointed that the special gathering could not happen again this year, we look forward to spring 2022 and that there is still much to celebrate.
The Lenawee Leadership Award honors a person or couple who exemplify the underlying principle that the future of our county will be determined by the quality of its leadership. Formerly known as the Maple Leaf Award, previous recipients continue to be recognized and are listed on the Foundation website. The prestigious award has a countywide focus that mirrors the Lenawee Community Foundation s mission to enhance the quality of life in Lenawe