When his father died about two decades ago, Dr. Mathew Sandoval built a colorful altar in his honor and decorated it with flowers, candles and personal items. The altar, part of the ancient Día de los Muertos tradition, helped the then-21-year-old cope with grief."Essentially, it gave me tools with which to deal with this loss," said Sandoval, a cultural scholar in Arizona. "It was very impactful."
When his father died about two decades ago, Dr. Mathew Sandoval built a colorful altar in his honor and decorated it with flowers, candles and<a class="excerpt-read-more" href="https://wsvn.com/news/us-world/dia-de-los-muertos-celebrates-the-life-of-the-deceased-while-easing-the-grief-of-the-living/">Read More</a>