Over the weekend, Ruth Hall won the Nevada State Ladies Poker Championship y Ladies International Poker Series (LIPS) for the second time. Here's our recap.
BBC News
By Fernando Duarte
image captionInnocent Havyarimana lowered the prices of his products when the pandemic struck
When Innocent Havyarimana started his soap-making business in Kenya s Kakuma refugee camp in early 2015, he was trying to move on from the traumatic events that had made him flee his native Burundi a year earlier.
Little did he know that his cottage enterprise would become a major weapon in the fight against coronavirus in one of the world s biggest settlements of its kind - Kakuma is home to almost 200,000 people.
As soon as the former chemistry student realised the importance of hand-washing in tackling the spread of Covid-19, he lowered prices and started to offer his products in smaller quantities and sizes, to make them more affordable.