Frank William Masek, 69, passed away peacefully at home in Moss Beach during the early morning hours of March 4, 2023, after an extended battle with liver-related cancer. He met
Nature’s Pride and Apeel expand product range with Apeel mangoes
Following Apeel-protected avocados, which are driving a 50 percent reduction in food waste on average for food retailers, Apeel and Nature’s Pride today introduced Apeel-protected mangoes that last two times longer. Mango is Nature’s Pride s second largest product after avocado. By treating mangoes with plant-based protection, the organisations are taking the next step in fighting food waste and increasing the sustainability of fresh food. Starting with Salling Group in Denmark - the first partner to include Apeel mangoes in its range in addition to Apeel avocados – Apeel mangoes will also be available to retailers in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands.