The proposed council tax increase would be equivalent to an extra 34p per week for households in council tax band A and 51p for those in tax band D.
The extra three per cent would have gone towards adult social care in Lincolnshire, but this is a local decision made by councils based on demand in specific areas, according to government.
In Tuesday’s Executive Meeting, Michelle Grady, Assistant Director Strategic Finance at Lincolnshire County Council said: “We are not proposing to put that adult social care precept into our 2021/22 proposals […] government did say this could be deferred, but obviously that is a discussion for future years.”
does routinely. we should mention the little boy s family welcomed the president s visit. the baby s name paul was discharged from the hospital but brought back with an you can toll meet t uncle to meet the president. many of the wounded survivors said they did not want to meet the president. michelle grady daughter of pastor michael grady joins me now. it s good to see you again. first of all, how is michelle doing? michelle is doing well today. she had surgery earlier today. she came through with flying colors and so the doctor did a marvelous job with her hand and finger. she s not going to lose her fingers. we re grateful for that. the surgery went well. she s resting now and getting ready for the next surgery down the road. when you and i had talked earlier in the week, i think she had had a tube removed, which is
wrong or face time, i think calling and your wife got in the car, drove to the walmart, got there in like six minutes, and got to your daughter and then you drove there, too. you got there and ultimately there was so many people in need you got your daughter into a cart with the help of someone else from walmart, wheeled her up to where the ambulances were and you-all had to use your preacher voice and get attention to i m being polite there and get her into an ambulance. i mean, were it not for that, for the bravery of you and your wife and the quick thinking who knows what would have happened. yes. that s correct. michelle had the presence of mind after she had been shot to call her mom and stay on the phone with her mom until my wife arrived. then my wife called me on her
way here and she was able to get a walmart employee to assist her in getting michelle on the cart and pushing her all the way down here to the incredible to the standing area. my wife did a marvelous job convincing folks michelle was not only necessary but necessary to get her the proper help. by the way, if i would like to get your wife s number because if i m ever in trouble in any capacity, she s the person i want to call first. but listen, i want to ask i make sure i get it to you. i want to ask about your decision not to meet with the president. i m wondering was it a decision you, your daughter struggled over and what was your thinking on it? it was not really any struggle whether we found out the commander in chief was coming to el paso, and might visit the university medical center. we made a decision as a family, we asked michelle about whether she wanted to see the president
and she said no and we made a decision that we did not want to see him as well because i had already spoken out of my passion the night before. so it was a conscious decision that we would put a sign on our door do not disturb. i m grateful we made that decision. i don t think it would have done any good and not have been healthy for michelle, definitely not healthy for us. i think it was a great decision to make. the photo that we showed earlier that s been people have a difference of opinion about it and the president and the first lady with paul, the 2 month old baby and the president giving thumbs up. i m wondering when you saw that, what did you think? when i saw the picture, again, i thought about what i said a couple of nights ago again that words matter and now symbols matter because usually when you have a thumbs up, you re applauding or agreeing to something. i didn t see anything to applaud. i didn t see anything to agree. those children are orphans that