it s no longer what s happening regarding covid in the past. this is how we are going to handle covid in the future. one thing that larry elder says he wants to do is get rid of vaccine mandates. parents were angry that schools are shut and they want their schools to be safe. he turned the referendum on ways that people were frustrated of newsom s handling of covid to a referendum of covid denials. michelle, i love your view on the civics of this. the contrast between these two candidates on whether we are going to respect the rule of law and election in this country or not here as we are on election day and the most populist state in this country. take a look. reporter: whether or not you win or lose, will you accept the results of the election tomorrow? we should all be looking at
sloppy coup to a republican party making a lot of noise out of california today before the polls even closed with the loser mentality arguing that when they re behind, they did not really lose. maybe you should let the authoritarian seize power. i am joined by two experts who know their way around this issue. cornell belcher and michelle golder. good evening to you, both, michelle, your thoughts. there was a moment not where long ago where things looked dicey for newsom. how you see the republican s party grip on trumpism. how they refused to break with an ideology or a sense of tactic or electoral looser. and a national election that are unlikely to win a majority in a
election integrity no matter whether you are democratic or republican. what that says, that this whole thing is rigged. they re trying to dismantle democracy and trust in this country of our very nation. michelle? look, larry elder is a product of the trumpist take over of the republican party. the fact that he s directing people to a petition that says he lost because of fraud tells you that what he really thinks about his chances in this election. i don t think and none of this is casting a version on our electoral process. it has to be rooted insincerity and really contempt for the democratic process. yeah, exactly. it does relate to the trolling. you got a lot of people out there who would rather
The Times-Reporter
NEWCOMERSTOWN The COVID-19 pandemic didn’t spell defeat for the annual Rachel B. Stoffer Spelling Bee at the Newcomerstown Middle School on Jan. 9.
Thirty-six students in grades 6-8 entered the Spellnig Bee, and after 13 rounds of competition, a winner emerged. Sixth grader Jaxson Mayo, son of Jamie and Jay Lambes, and Michael Mayo, became the champion after correctly spelling the word perfume.”
All three grade levels at the Middle School were represented among the trophy winners, with first runner-up being Gunner Mitchell, grade 7, and Samuel McKnight, grade 8, capturing the second runner-up spot.
School officials thanked staff members for their help with the Spelling Bee: Pronouncer Tyler Kiner, Stage Directors Ashley Brooks and Don Stevens, Judges Jennifer Baker, Shelley Cline, and Michelle Golder, and audio recorder, Jason Peoples.