When Ms X.Y. Wu tuned in to a live stream on Facebook in February, an Italian leather bag caught her eye. She subsequently placed an order for the $749 item after a promoter said the bag would be delivered in about a month. Read more at stomp.straitstimes.com
SINGAPORE – When Ms Wu X.Y. tuned to a live-stream on Facebook in February, an Italian leather bag caught her eye. She subsequently placed an order for the $749 item after a promoter said the bag would be delivered in about a month. Three months on, the Buti Pelletterie bag she ordered from live-streaming e-commerce firm Mdada has yet to.
Singapore News - When Ms X.Y. Wu tuned in to a live stream on Facebook in February, an Italian leather bag caught her eye. She subsequently placed an order for the $749 item after a promoter said the bag would be delivered in about a month. Three months on, the Buti Pelletterie bag she had. Read more at www.tnp.sg