Henderson County (Mar 27, 2022) - If audience members at Saturday’s forum for congressional candidates were hoping for a prodigious helping of conservative policies and right-wing talking points they did not leave disappointed.
Henderson County (Mar 27, 2022) - All eight candidates for the Republican nomination for the 11th Congressional District seat showed up for a campaign forum on Saturday afternoon at Thomas Auditorium at Blue Ridge Community College and if audience members were hoping for a prodigious helping of conservative policies and right-wing talking points they did not leave disappointed.
Henderson County (Mar 26, 2022) - All eight candidates for the Republican nomination for the 11th Congressional District were on stage Saturday afternoon at Thomas Auditorium at Blue Ridge Community College taking questions, trading punches and serving up red meat to a near capacity crowd.
Rep. Madison Cawthorn s turnabout in deciding where to seek reelection will make for a "messy" May 17 Republican primary, a well-versed local political observer said.