Ina Michele Resnikoff
By the time we have even thought about the first cup of coffee, an entire whorl of activity has unfolded at the Swampscott Department of Public Works Garage on Paradise Road. The crew of 16 men meet at 7 a.m. with Assistant Town Administrator for Operations Gino Cresta for the day’s schedule and assignments. The three women in the department begin each day at 8 a.m.
The crew members have so many and varied skills. They take care of everything from grounds maintenance to water and sewer control, asphalt repair to piping assessment.
They keep the cemetery lovely, the streets free of leaves and trash, the vehicles maintained and repaired, and they stay connected with all town departments. It is quite something: totally unsolicited, everyone interviewed applauded Cresta. Rarely, in public or private service, is a boss so beloved and respected.