The Ottawa Business Journal and the Ottawa Board of Trade are once again thrilled to celebrate a sampling of these leaders with our annual Forty Under 40 awards.
Frontline health care workers first to receive Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine in Vermont Just days after the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine s FDA approval, UVM Medical Centered administered the first doses of the vaccine, marking the beginning of the end of the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo: Ryan Mercer)
With the finish line in sight to this unprecedented year, 2020 delivered one final surprise mid-December: something to celebrate. The release of a truly historic vaccine now puts hope in the hands of healthcare workers around the world and Vermont is no exception. Just days after the vaccine’s FDA approval, UVM Medical Center administered the first doses of the vaccine, marking the beginning of the end of the coronavirus pandemic. What follows is the start of our arch toward better days ahead.