iPolitics By Kady O Malley. Published on Apr 14, 2021 6:31am Public Services and Procurement Minister Anita Anand watches as some of the first COVID vaccines are unloaded from a cargo aircraft on Dec. 13. (Canadian Armed Forces photo)
Public Services Minister Anita Anand should be prepared to field questions on virtually every aspect of the bureaucratic and administrative logistics involved in her government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic during her one-hour appearance at
GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS AND ESTIMATES this afternoon alongside a full contingent of senior departmental officials, including her deputy minister,
Bill Matthews, who, according to the notice, are expected to stick around for a second hour after the minister signs off. (3:30 – 5:30 PM)
iPolitics By Kady O Malley. Published on Apr 14, 2021 6:31am Public Services and Procurement Minister Anita Anand watches as some of the first COVID vaccines are unloaded from a cargo aircraft on Dec. 13. (Canadian Armed Forces photo)
Public Services Minister Anita Anand should be prepared to field questions on virtually every aspect of the bureaucratic and administrative logistics involved in her government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic during her one-hour appearance at
GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS AND ESTIMATES this afternoon alongside a full contingent of senior departmental officials, including her deputy minister,
Bill Matthews, who, according to the notice, are expected to stick around for a second hour after the minister signs off. (3:30 – 5:30 PM)