A taste of whats to come. Now could i tell ya that. I got off on the wrong song but. This is. It. On a commune was a thing or two to try to. More on that film coming up a little later in the program but first he used to be the president of georgia then Mikhail Saakashvili joined the Ukrainian Government fell out with the government became a protest leader and now he has been deported to poland unidentified men in Army Uniforms reportedly grabbed him from a restaurant in kiev earlier on monday he was then taken to an airport and put on a plane to poland the country from which he illegally entered ukraine last year his supporters are crying foul saying it is just the latest corrupt action of Petro Poroshenko government who are we to believe our correspondent in kiev weighs in in just a moment first this report. I a sudden interruption of the usually come lunchtime at a georgian restaurant in kiev guess start filming the scene with their phones as a number of masked men and kemah flush en