The executive committee of the POEDIN federation and its legal advisor are expected next week to file with the Supreme Court Prosecutor a report requesting an investigation of the management of intubated patients who are being treated outside of ICUs.
Government spokesman Yannis Economou lashed out at Tsipras over two tweets yesterday of the opposition leader that appeared to tacitly adopt the allegations of the Federation of Hospital Workers that ICU beds are set aside for VIP COVID-19 patients,
'Mr. Tsipras is obliged to cite even one doctor who decided who would be admitted to an ICU based on a political order. otherwise he will prove that slander and vulgarity is the only kind of opposition he has left.'
'Let Plevris and Alternate Health Minister Gaga tell us the number of patients who were intubated and died outside an ICU while on a waiting list. They have never told us,' said the head of the Federation of Greek Hospital Doctors’ Associations.