By Ed Forry, Reporter Co-Founder
May 26, 2021
Ed Forry, Reporter Co-Founder
The relaxation of Covid-19 restrictions this weekend includes ending many restrictions at Dorchester’s Catholic churches. St. Gregory’s pastor, Rev. Jack Ahern, shared a flyer describing the “full opening protocols” for Mass attendance that will go into effect this weekend. Among the new rules:
• As of May 29, the church will be fully open with no pews being taped off and vaccinated people no longer required to wear masks or socially distance. The state does advise that non-vaccinated people continue to wear masks.
•Every parishioner and every family will be expected to make a reasonable decision about when they are ready to take off their masks and be near other people. No priest, parish greeter, or other volunteer will be expected to ask people whether or not they have been vaccinated. If you are more comfortable wearing a mask, feel free to continue to wear one.