Michaela Chesin, Banner Staff
PROVINCETOWN 20th Century Fox will start filming “Pilgrim,” believed to be the 10th season of the television series “American Horror Story,” on Monday, March 1. Filming continues through March 13, according to a final location agreement signed Thursday, Feb. 25.
The agreement between the film company and the town specifies use of public property and resources only, such as road closures, use of a public cemetery, trash pickup and police detail. The town will receive at least $75,000 in fees and reimbursements, according to the agreement.
Where will AHS film Season 10 in Provincetown?
Out of nine days laid out in the filming schedule, the cast and crew will spend the most time in the East End of town near the Snail Road intersection with Commercial Street; in the West End of town in the neighborhood of Tremont, Nickerson, Mechanic and Commercial streets; and in the center of town in the area of Gosnold, Ryder and Standish streets.
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VAX HEARING AND REOPENING COLLIDE It was a tale of two headlines for Gov. Charlie Baker on Thursday.
At the beginning of the day, Baker was on defense as lawmakers grilled him over the state s Covid-19 vaccine rollout at a much-anticipated oversight hearing. It was an unusual position for the popular Republican governor, who usually does not face sharp criticism from the Democratic-majority legislature.
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VACCINE OVERSIGHT HEARING TODAY Top members of Gov. Charlie Baker s administration, and the governor himself, are set to testify at an oversight hearing on Beacon Hill today. State lawmakers plan to probe the Covid-19 vaccine rollout.
Michaela Chesin, Banner Staff
PROVINCETOWN Business owner Rachel Harrington thrives on taking chances.
She opened B.Xclusive streetwear and accessory store in a basement in 2007. When demand grew, she moved the shop above ground. Now, though, she’s opening a store twice the size, and rebranding.
During the COVID-19 threat Harrington is among Provincetown business owners on the move such as Christine Meegan switching to online sales only at Christina’s Jewelry or Doug Freeman taking a chance on selling his West End Salon and finding another place to work.
Harrington, though, is expanding.
Coming to town
As a Vermont native, the beauty on the Cape captivated Harrington. She first came to town on a trip to the dune shacks with friends, during a snowstorm.
Learning to speak up : Our Voices Matter group forms at Provincetown Schools
Michaela Chesin, Banner Staff
PROVINCETOWN After school each Wednesday at Provincetown International Baccalaureate Schools, middle schoolers push aside their studies and close social media pages for a special Zoom meeting. Watching as COVID-19 has swept across the nation, as people take the streets for racial justice, as rioters storm the U.S. Capitol, the virtual space allows students to talk about the tough stuff.
That virtual space is a new program for sixth through eighth graders called “Our Voices Matter,” which is meant to encourage leadership development and social and emotional learning. The program also allows students to explore issues related to equity and social justice.