On December 22, 2021, the first clinical case using HighLife transseptal mitral valve replacement (TSMVR) technology was successfully carried out in Asia. The implantation of Peijia's Highlife TSMVR system was performed by Professor Mao Chen and his team of West China Medical Center of Sichuan University as part of a research clinical trial. - Click here if this is your press release! - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News
/PRNewswire/ On December 22, 2021, the first clinical case using HighLife transseptal mitral valve replacement ("TSMVR") technology was successfully carried.
/PRNewswire/ On December 22, 2021, the first clinical case using HighLife transseptal mitral valve replacement ("TSMVR") technology was successfully carried.
Peijia Medical's New Milestone Asia's first successful clinical case using HighLife transseptal mitral valve replacement technology - read this article along with other careers information, tips and advice on BioSpace