Northern Star
DeKALB – Deputy Speaker Dallas Douglass accepted a nomination for speaker of the Student Government Association Senate for the 53rd session during Sunday’s Senate meeting.
Chairperson Cristian Hernandez nominated Douglass as the speaker while other senators agreed with the nomination, and no one else was nominated for the position.
“I am honored to accept my nomination,” Douglass said in a Monday email. “As American society begins to function more normally, I hope to see changes in our culture, economy and health systems. Like all of you, I’m excited to face the world again, and I am more than prepared to put in the work to ensure that the changes NIU students experience are positive ones.”
Northern Star
DeKALB – Student representation within the SGA Senate could change following a discussion on reforming the Senate districts at Sunday’s meeting.
The Senate currently consists of up to 30 senators divided into five electoral districts with six members in each group, according to the SGA Bylaws.
Those districts are based on geographical locations. District one includes university housing, districts two, three and four include off-campus students within DeKalb city limits, and district five includes off-campus students outside of DeKalb.
The new Senate would be made up of students who represent university colleges, diversity and cultural resource centers, university housing and the university at-large.
Northern Star
DeKALB – Cassandra Kamp, senior psychology and rehabilitation and disability services major, was unanimously confirmed as the Student Government Association’s election commissioner. SGA Senator Clayton Schopfer was also confirmed as the sergeant-at-arms Sunday at the virtual SGA meeting.
The duties of the election commissioner are to hold candidate meetings for the Senate and executive elections, meet with the board of elections regularly, hold debates for the candidates, administer the elections and announce the election results, Kamp said.
Kamp was involved in Active Minds, Deaf Pride, the Honors Program and SGA in the past as a Senator and deputy speaker.