On Monday, I wrote that there were only two possibilities for why Venus' surface temperature is so hot - either something internal to the planet's crust and core was keeping Venus hot, or something about the atmosphere was. Tuesday I showed that it wasn't internal heating. Wednesday I disproved the "Venus formed recently" hypothesis. And…
You know I have been following the "death of newspapers" debate, as well as "bloggers vs. journalists" debate, and "do we need science reporters" debate for a long time now. What I have found - and it is frustrating to watch - is that different people use different definitions for the same set of words and phrases.
Via Planet3.0 I see there is a declaration of the need, and competitive advantage it would bring, for action on climate change signed by a not insignificant number of major (non-fossil fuel) corporations. As Michael Tobis points out, it is, rather strangely, presented as an image only.
So my contribution is running it through an OCR tool, formatting and presenting it below:
I'm on my way to a taping of the Humanist Views with Host Scott Lohman. I do these now and then and have done so since I first moved to Minnesota back when it was still cold here. We'll be talking about science knowledge, and why basic science knowledge is important. We'll also be talking about how to go about evaluating science stories you encounter in the news, or more likely, on your Facebook feed or in other social media.