Open-source licenses, already stretched thin by software-as-a-service and the cloud, are an even worse fit for AI s large language models. What s an open source leader to do?
It s fading from memory, but if it weren t for GNU and the Free Software Foundation, open-source, and Linux, indeed, most of our technology-driven world wouldn t be here.
<p><span>A collaboration between the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF), OS-Climate and Amazon has resulted in GLEIF’s real-time open Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) datasets being made publicly available for the first time in the cloud, via the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative (ASDI) data catalog. Building upon its long-standing relationship with ASDI, the move was driven by OS-Climate to allow easier integration of LEI data with its own datasets, which supports the development of open data and open-source analytics for climate risk management and climate-aligned finance and investment.</span></p>