PANAMA CITY, Fla. (WMBB) – More reductions to Panama City’s fire assessment were approved on Tuesday, bringing total revenue down by $1.2 million. The new reduction, aimed at homestead properties that house people with fixed incomes, comes in the form of an additional $76 discount. Last month, Panama City commissioners approved to return fire assessment […]
PANAMA CITY, Fla. (WMBB) Panama City Commissioners are struggling over what to do with the city’s marinas. They’re considering how they want to rebuild the downtown marina and the St. Andrews marina. Some of the possibilities include public-private partnerships to help share the costs. Last month a marine company offered to pay for the […]
PANAMA CITY, Fla. (WMBB) Mark McQueen’s last day with the city was supposed to be September 30th. That end date quickly changed to July 31st once Governor Ron DeSantis appointed him to the Bay District Schools Superintendent position. He officially resigned from the city Monday morning. “It’s a heavy heart right now because I […]
PANAMA CITY, Fla. (WMBB) – On Tuesday, Panama City commissioners passed a motion to reduce the fire assessment tax by 5%. The reduction comes as Mayor Michael Rohan motioned to repeal the assessment at Tuesday’s commission meeting. “I think we’re spending too much money and that’s what I campaign on,” said Rohan. After Rohan’s motion, […]