because the people were calling for it are exempting themselves from its requirements once again. that is the acid test. if you are for a law, will it apply to you? to michael limburg s bodyguards carried the dreaded 9-millimeter, do they have high-capacity magazines? did nancy pelosi s body guards, but what you pay for, do mitch mcconnell s bodyguards carry those rounds? we wanted to know, why wouldn t we want to know, why don t we have the right to know? so we emailed all three of their offices today. like justin trudeau s office, none of them even replied to bother to reply to us. i was there they won t be disarming their own bodyguards. they will keep their own weapons of war in the meantime they will continue to pass legislation against weapons they know nothing about. they ve been doing this for decades. we did a documentary on this, actually, and we spoke to probably the person who knows more about self defense weapons than any living american, one of
Rob Chestnut and Mike Dever continue to be the leaders in the Lawrence City Commission race when it comes to attracting campaign donations, according to repo