And a proudyear member of the bench of the Northern District of program is something that jeff rosen and i have been thinking about and dreaming about for some time. We worked together on a number discussion and the in ourcial Independence Society was missing a piece, a lot of focus on constitutional vision powers and the role of judges and all that. What has been missing is who are judges . What is the human side of judging . What we are trying to do this evening is begin that conversation and shed some light on it. I will introduce the panelists and jeff for introduce our comoderator. Youre on stage, we have judge Charles Breyer and been a judge on that bench since 1998. To the left is justice guzman. Ary well regarded and successful member of that court. , we willcond panel hear from two individuals. Itting down in the front i will be joining the panel as well, but to get right to the business, this is my friend, jeffrey rosen. Thank you so much. Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to the
America we should all have an equal say in our democracy and an equal chance in our economy. And something that weve been thinking a lot about lately is actually the root of our name. Demos is the greek word for the people which is the root word of democracy. And right now in this country it feels like figuring out who exactly belongs in our demos and the people of our nation is this nations highest calling. Brian i woke up on december the 10th, 2016, picked up the New York Times, in their opinion section saw the headline, im prejudiced, he said, then we kept talking. And i want to show you the video because it started here at cspan some time before that and then ask you to explain the whole thing. Yes. Good morning. I was hoping that your guest can help me change my mind about some things. Im a white male and i am prejudiced. And the reason it is is something i wasnt taught but its kind of something that i learned. When i open up the papers, i get very discouraged at what young black
Jeremy. I have been here for a little and a proudyear member of the bench of the Northern District of california. This program is something that jeff rosen and i have been thinking about and dreaming about for some time. We worked together on a number discussion and the in ourcial Independence Society was missing a piece, a lot of focus on constitutional vision powers and the role of judges and all that. What has been missing is who are judges . What is the human side of judging . What we are trying to do this evening is begin that conversation and shed some light on it. I will introduce the panelists and jeff for introduce our comoderator. Youre on stage, we have judge Charles Breyer and been a judge on that bench since 1998. To the left is justice guzman. Ary well regarded and successful member of that court. , we willcond panel hear from two individuals. Itting down in the front i will be joining the panel as well, but to get right to the business, this is my friend, jeffrey rosen.
This program is something that jeff rosen and i have been thinking about and dreaming about for some time. We worked together on a number discussion and the in ourcial Independence Society was missing a piece, a lot of focus on constitutional vision powers and the role of judges and all that. What has been missing is who are judges . What is the human side of judging . What we are trying to do this evening is begin that conversation and shed some light on it. I will introduce the panelists and jeff for introduce our comoderator. Youre on stage, we have judge Charles Breyer and been a judge on that bench since 1998. To the left is Justice Guzman. Ary well regarded and successful member of that court. , we willcond panel hear from two individuals. Itting down in the front i will be joining the panel as well, but to get right to the business, this is my friend, jeffrey rosen. Thank you so much. Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to the National Constitution center on the road. Centerional cons