Lets show you how we did yet 93, over achievers here, the 15th day in 2015 that we have hit 90 or a have above. We are going to keep that theme going. We will certainly add on to the total in due time here. Storm scan three nice and quiet, High Pressure on our side. We have a excessive heat warning here. I love how this matches my dress. Isnt that nice. Do you note that is. I just noticed that. Yeah this is my excessive heat warning outfit, from noon until 6 00 oclock up and down i95 and immediate vicinity and surrounding suburbs. We will have heat up deckses at around hundred degrees. We have seen days like this happen. They happen every single summer. Just be smart about it, you will be just fine. It is summer. It happens. We will take you outside to cut town area middle school. It is 65 degrees. Sound weird. Out in the suburbs or far suburbs i should say it is a little bit cooler because of the nice clear sky. Doesnt mean it feels comfortable although that sunnies coming up. You can