Monday, 10 May 2021, 11:16 am
Chaos theory and crochet collide in Christchurch this
month. University of Canterbury mathematicians are playfully
promoting the art and craft of mathematics through a free
public event on Sunday, 23 May. The Christchurch Maths Craft
Day is free and open to everyone: experts and amateurs,
maths-fans and maths-phobes, the crafty and the
“Maths is often overlooked as a subject of
beauty and imagination,” says Senior Lecturer and Maths
Craft co-creator Dr
Jeanette McLeod of the University of Canterbury (UC)
School of Mathematics
and Statistics.
A pure mathematician and a
Principal Investigator of Te Pūnaha Matatini, Dr McLeod has
Date Time
Getting crafty about sharing joy of maths
Chaos theory and crochet collide in Christchurch this month. University of Canterbury mathematicians are playfully promoting the art and craft of mathematics through a free public event on Sunday, 23 May. The Christchurch Maths Craft Day is free and open to everyone: experts and amateurs, maths-fans and maths-phobes, the crafty and the curious.
University of Canterbury mathematicians are playfully promoting the art and craft of mathematics through a free public event on Sunday 23 May.
“Maths is often overlooked as a subject of beauty and imagination,” says Senior Lecturer and Maths Craft co-creator Dr Jeanette McLeod of the University of Canterbury (UC) School of Mathematics and Statistics.