We weren’t
especially big fans of Nick Loeb and Cathy Allen’s recent
Roe V. Wade, granting an F grade to the stridently right-wing (and yet, not even entertainingly bonkers) anti-abortion movie. Indeed, the film ended up seemingfar more interesting for its behind-the-scenes struggles than for the highly skewed version of history it was trying to tell; Loeb and co. famously had a very hard time making it, because, as soon as people got a grasp of the movie’s real intent including actors, crew people, and Loeb’s own original co-director they bailed on the project en masse. Those who stayed essentially formed a grab-bag of right-stumbling Hollywood and online elites, from Jon Voight, to Tomi Lahren, to the blessedly-mostly-forgotten Milo Yiannopoulis. Oh, and Jamie Kennedy, for some reason.