police right away, and based on the reports that i have gotten and i want you know they don t know mr. cosby, i don t know the evidence or the accuser, but he has a right to fair trial, and having been through what i have been through with michael jackson, i m a little alarmed by this, this ground swel of opposition. well here is what is different, because you 57 ak kirzs is one thing, and the settlement whichly ask you about in ooh second, and cosby oes own words in that deposition that started this all framing the case. you had bill cosby admitting to carrying around the quaaludes to meet women and wanting to have sex with them. sure. and says he offered over and over again to give them money, but could it be when it comes to the deposition, and the criminal case, it is bill cosby s own words that could come back to be used against him? in the michael jackson case, they called 85 witnesses against him, and said that he had been
who they were 40 years ago, and how they behave and he has right to due process, and right now, he is presumed innocent and you have represented a lot of the celebrities as well, and just by the arraignment, and the circus following him, and you knew that are from the experience of the michael jackson case, and how is that knowing the beloved celebrity going to help or hurt, where people say, you know what, bill cosby is past the point of no return when it comes to the brand and the legacy? look, when the last not guilty in the michael jackson criminal trial came down, and 14 not gill tiuilties, and i looke the back of the room, and i saw the media people with their f e faces long, because they wanted to see a great copy, and see him fall from the highest. and now, what you are seeing, there are great similarities here, and the media has glummed
what really matters in this case is that the andrea wanted criminal charges to be brought. and the outcome is unknown. all of lus will be watching, and you and 56 of the other accuser accuserss as well. patricia, thank you for being with us. thank you very much. with the iowa caucuses now a month away, one of the leading political experts of the country joins me to size up the polls, and the issues that may play a deciding difference on february # 1st. we call it share the love. during our share the love event, get a new subaru, and we ll donate $250 to those in need. bringing our total donations to over sixty-five million dollars. and bringing love where it s needed most. love. it s what makes a subaru, a subaru.
molest i molesting young men for year, and they took his own words out of the martin beshear documentary and said those words would cook him. all over to the world, and the media representatives were saying that his words in the documentary would cook him. because the prosecutors used those words from the documentary, i was a able to bring in his other statements where he exonerated himself, and the same thing may happen in this case. they may take some select phrases out of the deposition, a and then in return the defense can bring in other statements that he made in the deposition denying that he did anything wrong. my understanding is that he said that any sex i had with anybody was consensual. there are a lot of parallel, and the same typef of ground swell against him, and i do believe he will be acquitted. and now, going into the next hour we will speak to one of the women who say that he drugged and sexually assault ed her, bu
in the michael jackson case, they called dozens of witnesses and i disagree with what was just said. she doesn t know the case. i was in the courtroom for five months. they called witness after witness after witness trying to say that these people were molested, they were seen being molested, et cetera. the thought was that if you bring in this kind of propensity evidence that no defendant can withstand it. the fact is, we turned it in our direction, the fact that the prosecution would bring so many witnesses lacking in credibility in a serious case like this, thoroughly backfired, as one after another got discredited, i think the jury was shaking their heads and wondering what clown the prosecution was going to call next time. but these women have credibility, they have stories how do you know? because it s been out there. we ve heard from them. what do you mean? they waited 40 years. some of them, and some of them spoke right away, like miss