to wear a mask. yeah, february of 2020 three . i got fired for refusing to wear a mask. they basically told me t that wm need to set a rate if i m notm willing to comply with policies. and i told them i m not am quitting and they re dumbfounded. noing tot i i m not - willing to wear a mask anymore.n and they they then changede poli their story. and apparently it is a firablecy because policy because i have beenot wii terminated not well. a i m willing to wear a mask or bind his feet, for that matter,k or kowtow a man with self-respect. we wanted to talk to him. we tracked down michael oxford,e joins now with his lawyer, tracy henderson. thanks to you both for coming on . first to you, michael.hrough tell us , what was goinging, through your mind when they sai,d servant wear a mask?. well, thanks a lot for having me, tucker. first thin -g was the first thig i went through my mind was well, and my really going