this stays open and we are looking at the context of michael flynn, the highest ranking official charged by robert mueller and this investigation is expanding, not contracting. and the president is still dealing with the question of whether he is going to be interviewed by mueller and questions that haven t been resolved in terms of his own cooperation. to have this continuing to hangover him at a time when there is a lot of anxiety about what shoe is to drop. he has a few other things on his mind and part of what he was tweet being was wanting to have closu closure. the argument the president has been making contradicted by his national security adviser. that are doesn t put him in a good space and had trump not say anything, it might have been gone better for him at the end. this would have been open and shut and the president and his allies inserting themselves in the conversation.
underscore that and they created drama where they didn t need to create any. have you heard of a judge where it s all cooked. the special counsel recommends no jail time. as carrie notes, general flynn s attorneys raised questions to the point where the judge offers him an opportunity to withdraw your plea. i would like to proceed, your honor. judge sullivan said because you are guilty of this offense? yes, michael flynn says. what do you make of this? there are a lot of things to make. the judge has clearly been affected by the filing of flynn s attorney. he wants to make it absolutely clear and by a lot of public commentary op seds suggesting that he was guilty and he wants to give flynn every opportunity to withdraw. are you guilty? are you pleading guilty because
president of the united states. how do they go to jail and you don t? yes, there is a virginia case with the partner who is have been charged with not filing the right paperwork, but the redacted part of the mueller investigation about russia, my clear hint is the judge wants to know what is that about? what s the fruit that is redacted before i decide you don t go to prison? the judge saw what s redact and received the information of the full scope of his cooperation. the judge has in front of him even though we don t know, more of the information regarding what michael flynn was cooperating about. in all aspects, on the point of the comparisons to the other two individuals that did actually serve jail time. there could be an aspect to the consideration of why does the more senior experienced person get off free and the two low
michael flynn the opportunity to plea. that s not in michael flynn s interest. they did not charge him with as much as they could have. they probably could have charged him with more acts of false statements and they charged him with one count and recommended no jail time. all they had to do was say yes, we agree with the government. they raised all these issues and the judge can t ignore them. he has to deal with what is in front of him. we have new information from the judge. let s go back to pam. all right, john. we are learning about flynn s team s response to the judge s suggestion of delaying the sentencing. shimon? here we go. the attorney, they say they see what s going on. they can read it and feel it and they sense that perhaps michael flynn is about to get jail time
mueller s team asked for no jail time. flynn and his defense attorneys agreed with that. this judge is certainly keeping us in suspense in terms of what he s going to do. what are we learning about flip s cooperation? as we know, shimon, flynn had 19 proper sessions with robert mueller s team, which is a lot for a cooperating witness. does that end today or does it continue? prosecutors say it s possible that his cooperation would continue. the judge said maybe we should delay the sentencing. usually in cases where you are sentencing someone who is cooperating with the government, you wait until the government is completely done with that person s cooperation. then you go ahead and sentence him and you can tell the judge this is how the person helped me. flynn s case, they could have waited. why didn t they? i don t know. there was never really an explanation of why they decided to say okay, he s ready to be