This week we begin Sefer VaYikra, the book of Leviticus where sacrifices are a central topic and theme. The nature of sacrifices and their application to our daily lives is of major import and can teach us life-altering lessons.
When I first started in the rabbinate, there was a family in my congregation whose single daughter wanted to get married. On Yom Kippur, they were advised to buy the
maftir, the last person called up to the Torah on Shabbat and holiday mornings, as a
segulah, a form of protection or a charm, to assist the woman in finding her husband. Unbeknownst to them, there was another congregant, who had a medical issue, and was also advised to buy the
January 13, 2021 at 1:08 PM
CRANFORD - The Cranford Police Department is currently investigating two bias incidents that occurred in the township last week.
According to the department, on Wednesday, January 6, God is Gay was found spray painted on a commercial building along South Avenue across from Cranford Alliance Church. The next day, Thursday, January 7, a Cranford resident reported two hate messages written in pink chalk on rocks along the wooded area of the River Walk in Droesher’s Mill Park. On one rock was a swastika and on another was written, “Fags will Die.”
Investigations are ongoing and anyone with information related to these incidents should contact Det. Michael Dubitsky at 908- 709-7358.