Three Island towns are voting today in elections that will decide the next step for the housing bank, as well as two select board races, and other ballot questions. The polling places showed voters coming and going, although not at an overwhelming clip. At the polls in West Tisbury, the three candidates for a one-year […]
Edgartown voters will go to the polls on Thursday, April 14, from 10 am to 7 pm at town hall. Select board member Michael Donaroma is running unopposed, as is every other candidate on the ballot. There is a single question on the ballot: whether to authorize a home rule petition asking the legislature to […]
The Edgartown select board met Monday to approve requests for the one-month extension of scallop season in areas outside of Cape Poge, as well as the extension of oyster season within the confines of Sengekontacket Pond until May 1. Newly appointed shellfish constable Rob Morrison also requested the opening of an oyster season inside Edgartown […]
The Edgartown select board unanimously endorsed a funding formula for a Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School (MVRHS) building project first proposed by the Chilmark select board member James Malkin. Under Malkin’s proposal, each down-Isand town would pay 25 percent of construction costs and the up-Island towns would collectively pay the remaining 25 percent. Edgartown town […]
Updated 3:15 pm The Edgartown select board unanimously agreed to sign a letter to support a good faith effort for a building project at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School. Chilmark and Aquinnah have also expressed support as of Tuesday afternoon. The Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School school committee applied to the Massachusetts School Building […]