Salem (Shortened) (Season 1): The TV chef explores Salem. James Martin's American Adventure airs on ITV1 London at 6:00 AM, Sunday 4 February. The TV chef explores Salem
Salem (Season 1 Episode 17 of 20): The chef explores Salem, Massachusetts. James Martin's American Adventure airs on Food Network at 2:00 PM, Wednesday 24 January. The chef explores Salem, Massachusetts
Boston (Season 1 Episode 16 of 20): The chef heads to Boston. James Martin's American Adventure airs on Food Network at 2:00 PM, Tuesday 23 January. The chef heads to Boston
Baton Rouge (Season 1 Episode 15 of 20): The travelling chef visits Baton Rouge, Louisiana. James Martin's American Adventure airs on Food Network at 2:00 PM, Monday 22 January. The travelling chef visits Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Baton Rouge (Season 1 Episode 15 of 20): The travelling chef visits Baton Rouge, Louisiana. James Martin's American Adventure airs on ITV1 London at 6:00 AM, Sunday 21 January. The travelling chef visits Baton Rouge, Louisiana