they re going. what sort of things they re asking for, and what they re interested and just catch and kill. that s a phrase we ve heard. and we ve all been covering donald trump so long that we know what it means. but just in case people at home don t catch and kill is the idea that somebody is out there selling a story that s going to be nasty about me and i call my friend who runs the national enquirer, and he pays that person for their story. and then he that s catching, and then he kills that he throws it in a safe that is, we heard, michael cohen testified before congress that david pecker, head of the national enquirer. and mr trump had this relationship for a long time before michael cohen showed up. is there a crime there necessarily mean you have the right as a journalist to obtain exclusive rights and then use your discretion about how you want to publish it. or if at all, it s something more nefarious. it s a different story here. but when i was watching michael cohen, i was
talking if he s gonna be testifying. absolutely not. this is the last thing prosecutors want, and it doesn t help that michael cohen s lawyer, lanny davis, is out there doing the same thing. michael cohen is going to be a central witness in this case, every word he says, is fair game for cross examination and one of the points that s going to be made. is that michael cohen has a major, deep, seething hatred for donald trump, and we could see it in that interview. right there. you could list some of the worst words in the world. michael cohen has used them to talk about donald trump. now, people say it may say i understand why he feels that way , given what he went through for donald trump, but still it s going to be open season for the defense lawyer to paint michael cohen as a biased witness with a personal ax to grind, and every one of these media appearances gives the defense more ammunition on that. he also repeated during that interview. his denial that he is guilty of some of the
person for their story. and then he that s catching, and then he kills that he throws it in a safe that is, we heard, michael cohen testified before congress that david pecker, head of the national enquirer. and mr trump had this relationship for a long time before michael cohen showed up. is there a crime there necessarily mean you have the right as a journalist to obtain exclusive rights and then use your discretion about how you want to publish it. or, if at all, it s something more nefarious. it s a different story here. but when i was watching michael cohen, i was looking at it as a prosecutor thinking to myself. i ve got to overcome the very obvious point. this man s got an ax to grind. you obviously cannot stand. donald trump look at the camera and told him to, you know, almost equivalent buckle up pallets coming for you wanting him to enjoy whatever comes on tuesday, but you know what? i actually never met mother teresa . i never had her as a witness in any of my cases and the
michael cohen. he s the one who made those payoffs. two adult film star and director stormy daniels. the payoffs that are apparently at the center of manhattan district attorney alvin brags case against the former president. as far as we know, that is there have been more than 30 charges. sources tell cnn with a court date expected on tuesday, which is when we expect the indictment to be unsealed. here s this part of what michael cohen just told. don lemon and alison camerata about the former president s characterization of him. i am a convicted felon. i am a disbarred lawyer, but i also brought the documents. there s plenty of testimony corroborating testimony to go around and come tuesday. you know that all these witnesses were cooperating your testimony . let s just say i know i was there 22 times, so there s
terms of my life. when my routine as a result of this no. michael have you let yourself imagine what it would be like to testify against donald trump. within their, um, that concerned about it. i have continuously told the same story. i ve been shouting for five years from the rooftop. they lies by the southern district of new york against me for the tax evasion. i actually hope it comes out. i have all the documents to show there was no tax evasion. i ve never in my life taxi rate. i ve never filed the late tax return. i ve never been audited. i ve never received. you know, um, you know, letters from the i r s i never had an opportunity going into meet with an agent, and none of this is accurate. so you have in time, the century the same story to us. certainly when we ve interested in looking at donald trump in the face, i have no problem with that, because i am standing as truth to power. this is kind of been, if you think about over the five years, it s like a david and goliath sort