Lesley Riddoch on the banks of the Tay. Picture: Gordon Terris THERE’S a large stuffed-toy tiger peering up from behind Lesley Riddoch as she chats over a Zoom video call from her home in coastal Fife. It is, she explains, a gift for one of her stepdaughters, but also a jokey and cuddly representation of something from her work-life. Her latest documentary, Estonia: The Baltic Tiger, out last month, looks at the economic success of the Baltic country since it gained independence in 1991 – so tigers are a kind of theme of the moment. “Actually I have two Baltic tigers here,” she said. “I got them for my stepdaughters who have both just got a flat and a house. One is in the Hague in the Netherlands, the other is in London. We haven’t seen each other because of lockdown and now I’m thinking in what situation will Jenny emerge from the Netherlands with a large enough case to put a fricking tiger in?”