This has been a December to remember for residents around Shoreline and Edmonds – two cities repeatedly pummeled by waves of severe weather. They’ve seen a dose of everything: snow, ice, and now wind.
3 3 3 3 anyday now. the supreme president obama s health care overhaullis constituional. constituional.this could be country s highest court is e - also considering arizonn s controversial immigratiin law. amonggother issues.the justices will meet again oo monday, the ast scheduled day in courr issin seesion until october. at church on sunday. you might seeeyour ongraaation federal health care andate on control.catholics across the country are littrally. prayyng. to put a stop to it. megan gilliland is here with more oo why they re so upset. good morning ggys,last night was the kickoff nationwide. for freedom. altiiore. for -3 the basilica.from now through the next two weeks. catholics willltake part in prayer. study and polittcal action all in response to a new ffderal health care based hospitals and schools to provide birth control and other ontraceptives. the mandatt is slated to go iito effect next august.but many caaholiis says it threatens you must do this orrthattthat